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实现城市照明管理从传统模式走向科学、现代化管理的有效途径,为城市照明监控建设提供了技术保障。使更加有效、合理的管理城市灯光环境成为可能。 自己展开,再加点吧


262 评论(11)


Prospects: 根据我国路灯照明现状,小城市在晚上9点后,大中城市在凌晨2点以后,道路上行人、车辆已逐渐稀少。 According to the status quo of China's street lighting, small cities in the 21 o'clock, the large and medium cities in 2:00 later, the road to pedestrians, vehicles have been gradually 从这一时段直至清晨6点,在如此低交通流量的道路上仍然保持较高照度显然没有必要。 From this time until 6 am, at such a low traffic road is still clear that there is no need to maintain a high 据了解,城市公共照明在我国照明耗电中占30%的比例,约439亿kWh,以平均电价0.65元/kWh计算,一年开支285亿元。 It is understood that the city public lighting lighting power consumption in China accounted for 30% of the proportion of about 9 billion kWh, with an average price 65 yuan / kWh calculation, the annual expenditure of 5 在市政开支极度紧张的今天,国内绝大部分的城市和地区几乎不约而同地采用了的路灯隔盏关灯的省钱方法,不仅导致了路面照度分布不均,给治安及交通安全埋下了隐患,而且后半夜电网电压升高对路灯寿命造成损害,每年需更换大量灯具,因此不能称作是真正意义上的节能。 Extreme tension in the municipal spending today, the vast majority of cities and regions of China is almost invariably used in street lights to save money every other method of lights, not only led to the uneven distribution of surface illumination, giving law and order and traffic safety lay a hidden danger , and late at night on the street life of mains voltage increases damage caused by the need to replace a large number of lamps every year and therefore can not be called a real sense of energy 节能是在保证照明效果下点着灯节电。 Energy-saving lighting effects are guaranteed under the point of the power-saving 以上智能控制的主要优点是大幅降低了耗电,节约耗电达40%以上,避免了隔盏关灯的隐患。 The main advantage of the above intelligent control is to dramatically reduce the power consumption, save power consumption up to 40% or more to avoid the lights of the hidden compartment 对于推广高效、节能智能照明器具,配合照明实际情况有效进行光能利用,节约照明用电具有极其深远的意义。 For the promotion of efficient and intelligent energy-saving lighting appliances, lighting the actual situation with the effective use of solar energy, saving lighting electricity with extremely far-reaching [ 编辑本段 ] [Edit this paragraph] 原理: Principle: 智能型路灯充分考虑了城市道路照明的实际状况,采用单片机控制技术对路灯照度进行动态智能化管理,实现路灯人性化。 Intelligent street full consideration to the actual situation of urban road lighting, using microcomputer control technology for dynamic illumination of the lamps intelligent management, and user-friendly 由于LED路灯具有其它路灯所没有的瞬态响应极快的特性,电路上极易实现使用KHZ级的脉宽调制(PWM)方式对LED路灯的亮灭进行占空比调节,(例如1ms内亮5ms亮5ms灭此时其亮度为全亮时的50%)即调节了整体灯具亮度。 As with the other lights are LED lights do not have fast transient response characteristics, circuit easily achieved using the KHZ-level pulse-width modulation (PWM) mode to the bright LED lights to eliminate duty-cycle regulator, (for example, within 1ms Liang 5ms brightness of light 5ms eliminate its full-bright at this time when 50%), or adjust the overall light 工作于如此高的频率下不会存在频闪现象。 Working in such a high frequency strobe phenomenon does not 通过对灯具设定,可在繁忙的时段使路灯保持较强的照度,在后半夜车稀人少时开始自动调光,使路灯保持较低照度的照明。 Through the lamp settings, you can during the peak periods to maintain a strong illumination lights in the car late at night who came from a rare auto-dimming began, so that to maintain a more low-light street 还可通过内在编程器根据不同城市繁华度、照明实况、车流量情况人为强制性设定照度等级、设定强弱照度时间长度比控制,以后路灯便可按照新设定周期性地执行的程序。 Via internal programmer busy degrees according to different cities, lighting, live, traffic flow of artificial illumination setting a mandatory level, set the length of time than the control strength of illumination, after lights can be set periodically according to the new procedures for the implementation of 即实现了地方道路照明个性化。 Namely, the achievement of the local road lighting [ 编辑本段 ] [Edit this paragraph] 优势: Advantages: 另外LED路灯光源(LED)具有很好的单一方向性,光取出率极高,而传统的气体路灯光源为全方位发光,依靠反光罩聚成单一方向光线,损失较大,光取出率大大不如LED路灯。 Another LED street light (LED) has a good single-directional, light out rate too high, and a traditional gas street lamps emitting light in all directions, relying on reflectors gather into a single direction of light, loss of large, light removal rates were significantly better than LED 因此在真正作用于路面上的光效传统路灯明显劣于LED路灯。 Therefore, the real role of the effect of light on the road obviously inferior to the traditional street lamps LED 可预见性效益分析以10公里铺设700盏路灯对比经济效益,下面经济效益分析为理想分析,实际上可以从技术参数表的15和16项看出LED路灯优势远超出以理想分析。 Predictability benefit analysis to the laying of 10 km in contrast to 700 street economic benefits, the following economic analysis, the ideal analysis, actually from the technical parameters of the table 15 and 16 to see far beyond the advantages of LED lights to the ideal [ 编辑本段 ] [Edit this paragraph] 加分吧
188 评论(13)


  • 智能路灯论文3000字怎么写

    Prospects: 根据我国路灯照明现状,小城市在晚上9点后,大中城市在凌晨2点以后,道路上行人、车辆已逐渐稀少。 According to the status quo of China's street lighting, small

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  • 智能路灯论文3000字内容

    Prospects: 根据我国路灯照明现状,小城市在晚上9点后,大中城市在凌晨2点以后,道路上行人、车辆已逐渐稀少。 According to the status quo of China's street lighting, small

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  • 智能路灯论文摘要怎么写

    论文其实就是一种文章,就一种讨论某种问题或研究某种问题的文章它有自己独有的论文格式下面就是标准的论文格式:1、论文格式的论文题目:(下附署名)要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖2、论文格式的目录 目录是论文中主要段落的简表(短篇论文不必列目录) 3

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    1、绿色环保不破坏生态环境  使用智慧路灯能够达到节能减排使用效果,不会破坏生态环境发挥绿色环保功能,对于城市生活具有很重要意义,而且在集中管理方面更加简单,根据情况能够自动调节照明亮度,还能根据道路实际的车流量和流量来进行智能调光,这对于

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